Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Topic Exploration and Pitch

Topic Exploration and Pitch

Q Option 1: Inquiry Assignment (Choose this if you have a topic) Assignment Directions After Reading Inquiry Ch. 5, Please complete the practice sequence at the end of the chapter at the bottom of page 130 (4th edition--your pages will vary if using a different version of the text). Use the topic that you're interested in writing about for our project as your topic for this exercise. Focus on the how and why of your topic--what makes this class so important for students that it should be required? how will it prepare them for life? At the end, try to answer the question you pose in step 4, and tell me a bit about the topic that you've chosen to write about. Assignment Guidelines Submit your assignment as a Word Document or PDF of about 1.5 pages. Follow each step in a short paragraph or at least a few sentences. Option 2: Meet with me Via Zoom (Choose this if you're struggling to find a topic) Assignment Directions Make an appointment with me via our Student Conferences page and we will talk together about ideas that you have or work together t help you overcome writer's block or think through some options. At the end, you'll write a short reflection about the meeting and turn that in here. Note: Spaces for this option are limited, so if you're interested in this option, please make an appointment as soon as possible. In order to be eligible for credit, students must meet with me before the late deadline extension. This will give you time to meet with me and complete the reflection. Assignment Guidelines Make an appointment to meet with me no later than 72 hours after the deadline using our Calendly app. You can find the link on the home page for our class, and clicking on the Student Conferences page. Select a time that works for you using the app. If there are no times that will work for you, please send me an email. I will not meet with students beyond the times listed on the last day to submit the assignment. After the meeting, please submit a reflection on the following questions: • Briefly summarize the meeting. • What topic did you settle on? • What are your next steps for this assignment? Rubric Assignment Rubric Assignment Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComplete The student meets all of the guidelines for the assignment as outlined on the assignment. 2 pts Complete The student meets all of the guidelines for the assignment as outlined on the assignment directions. 1 pts Incomplete The student missed at least some of the criteria or guidelines for the assignment. 0 pts Missing The student did not turn the assignment in before the deadline. 2 pts Total Points: 2 PreviousNext

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